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NSDAP flag
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
12 October 1930
Adolf Hitler gives the salute at the parade of Storm troopers in Weimar
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
15 June 1931
Adolf Hitler visits an SA Reichsführerschule
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler reviews SA troops in Gera's Gauparteitag
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm walking through a formation of flags in Braunschweig
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler consacrating the standards in Braunschweig
17 June 1932
Adolf Hitler in the Volkshalle in Gießen
24 July 1932
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Wedauer Stadion in Duisburg
23 March 1933
Adolf Hitler declares the Enabling Act at the Reichstag Kroll Opera House, Berlin. The amendment gave him full power to enact laws without the Reichstag, and was the first step to a dictatorship in Germany
23 March 1933
Adolf Hitler declares the Enabling Act at the Reichstag Kroll Opera House, Berlin. The amendment gave him full power to enact laws without the Reichstag, and was the first step to a dictatorship in Germany
3 August 1933
Adolf Hitler with a little girl on the terrace of Haus Wachenfeld
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler consecrating the standards at the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally with Jakob Grimminger holding the Blood flag behind him
15 October 1933
Adolf Hitler at the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the House of German Art
8 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech to party members in Munich's Bürgerbräukeller for the 10th anniversary of the putsch attempt
6 March 1934
Adolf Hitler at the laying of the foundation stone of the Richard Wagner Monument in Leipzig
6 March 1934
Adolf Hitler next to Leipzig mayor Karl Goerdeler at the laying of the foundation stone of the Richard Wagner Monument in Leipzig
6 March 1934
Adolf Hitler next to Leipzig mayor Karl Goerdeler at the laying of the foundation stone of the Richard Wagner Monument in Leipzig
6 March 1934
Hitler striking the first hammer blow on the cornerstone of the Richard Wagner National building in Leipzig
1 May 1934
Adolf Hitler's speech for May Day
13 July 1934
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Reichstag
7 September 1934
Adolf Hitler speaks at the Zeppelin Field at the Congress of the NSDAP in Nuremberg
30 September 1934
Adolf Hitler crosses Hildesheim for his first official visit to the city
10 April 1935
Adolf Hitler at the wedding of the Goerings
1 May 1935
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Berlin's Tempelhof field for May Day
11 August 1935
Hitler makes a speech in Rosenheim
11 August 1935
Hitler makes a speech in Rosenheim
17 December 1935
Adolf Hitler visits the Leibstandarte in Berlin
17 December 1935
Adolf Hitler visits the Leibstandarte in Berlin
23 February 1936
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the anniversary of the Party in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
16 March 1936
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Frankfurt's festival hall
28 March 1936
Adolf Hitler salutes the crowd from the balcony of the Hotel Dom in Köln (Cologne)
28 March 1936
Adolf Hitler is standing in his open car while driving through Cologne
1 May 1936
Adolf Hitler gives a speech for May day outside the museum at Lustgarten
1 May 1936
Adolf Hitler gives a speech for May day outside the museum at Lustgarten
1 May 1936
Adolf Hitler gives a speech for May day outside the museum at Lustgarten
1 May 1936
View of Berlin's Lustgarden and the Maypole during Adolf Hitler's speech for the May Day celebration
1 May 1936
Adolf Hitler salutes his honor guard in Berlin's Lustgarden during the May Day celebration
6 June 1936
Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler, and Werner von Blomberg at the funeral of Luftwaffe Lieutenant General Walther Wever, Berlin
9 September 1936
Adolf Hitler reviews the parade of the Hitler Jugend from the balcony of hotel Deutscher Hof in Nuremberg
13 September 1936
Adolf Hitler on the balcony of hotel Deutscher Hof in Nuremberg during the 1936 Reichsparteitag
13 September 1936
Adolf Hitler on the balcony of hotel Deutscher Hof in Nuremberg during the 1936 Reichsparteitag
13 September 1936
Adolf Hitler talking to the lined-up formations of the SA, SS and NS-Driver's Corps in Nuremberg's Luitpoldarena
13 December 1936
Adolf Hitler at a work meeting with SA leader Viktor Lutze and Hitlerjugend leader Baldur von Schirach in hotel Platterhof on the Obersalzberg
30 January 1937
Adolf Hitler salutes a parade of his personal bodyguard regiment, the 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
24 February 1937
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Munich's Hofbräuhaus for the anniversary of the founding of the party
5 May 1937
Hedwig Gustloff, widow of Wilhelm Gustloff christens the Wilhelm Gustloff by throwing a bottle of champagne on the ship
19 July 1937
Adolf Hitler at the inauguration of the House of German Art, Munich
27 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini drive through Essen
27 September 1937
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini drive through Essen
12 March 1938
Adolf Hitler crosses his birth town of Braunau am Inn, Austria
15 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of Vienna's Burgtor
15 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of Vienna's Burgtor
15 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in his car in Vienna's Heldenplatz
15 March 1938
Parade of German and Austrian troops on Vienna's Ringstrasse
15 March 1938
Parade of German and Austrian troops on Vienna's Ringstrasse
31 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in Frankfurt am Main
3 April 1938
Adolf Hitler entering Graz, Austria three weeks after the Anschluss
3 April 1938
Adolf Hitler speaks in the Weitzer wagon factory in Graz
3 April 1938
Adolf Hitler speaks in the Weitzer wagon factory in Graz
3 April 1938
Adolf Hitler speaks in the Weitzer wagon factory in Graz
4 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in Klagenfurt at the Sandwirt Hotel
4 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in Klagenfurt
4 April 1938
Adolf Hitler in Klagenfurt
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Vienna's Nordwestbahnhalle
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Vienna's Nordwestbahnhalle
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Vienna's Nordwestbahnhalle
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Vienna's Nordwestbahnhalle
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels in Vienna
9 April 1938
Adolf Hitler greets the crowd from the balcony of Hotel Imperial in Vienna
1 May 1938
Adolf Hitler speaking at the Lustgarden in Berlin for May day
26 May 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the presentation of the beetle
26 May 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the presentation of the beetle
29 May 1938
Inauguration of the theater in Dessau
14 June 1938
Adolf Hitler at the laying of the foundation stone for the 'House of German Tourism' in Berlin
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the opening of the great German art exhibition in Munich
10 July 1938
Adolf Hitler speaks at the opening of an exhibition in the House of German art in Munich
23 August 1938
Adolf Hitler and admiral Horthy of Hungary visit the Isle of Heligoland
7 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes Konstantin Hierl at the formations of the Reich Labour Service parade
7 September 1938
Formations of the Reich Labour Service parading past Adolf Hitler at the rally ground
7 September 1938
Formations of the Reich Labour Service parading past Adolf Hitler at the rally ground
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
7 October 1938
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring on the balcony of Jägerndorf Town Hall, Sudetenland
1 April 1939
Adolf Hitler at his arrival in Wilhelmshaven
20 April 1939
Parade for Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday
6 June 1939
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Görinf salute the flag after the return of Legion Condor in Berlin
19 September 1939
Adolf Hitler arrives at the podium to address the people of Danzig
5 October 1939
Adolf Hitler salutes the Wehrmacht parade in Warsaw following the defeat of Poland
5 October 1939
Adolf Hitler salutes the Wehrmacht parade in Warsaw
8 November 1939
Poster announcing Adolf Hitler's speech for the 1923 putsch commemoration in Munich's Burgerbraükeller, just before the failed bombing attempt by Georg Elser
8 November 1939
Adolf Hitler speaking to participants of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch just before the failed bombing attempt by Georg Elser. The bomb was placed in the pillar behind Hitler.
30 January 1940
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at Berlin's Sportpalast on the occasion of the Machtergreifung (anniversary of the NSDAP takeover)
24 February 1940
Adolf Hitler making a speech for the Parteigründungsfeier in the Hofbraühaus Munich, with a nice view of the24 2 1920 commemorative plaque
6 July 1940
Adolf Hitler returning to Berlin after the campaign of France
28 March 1941
Adolf Hitler and the Japanese foreign minister Matsuoka on the balcony of the Reich Chancellery
30 January 1942
Adolf Hitler salutes after his speech in Berlin's Sportpalast
17 April 1944
Adolf Hitler salutes at the funeral of Adolf Wagner in the congress hall of Munich's Deutsches Museum
17 April 1944
Adolf Hitler salutes at the funeral of Adolf Wagner in the congress hall of Munich's Deutsches Museum
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