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20 April 1889
Birth certificate of Adolf Hitler, born in the Austrian town of Braunau am Inn. His father was Alois Hitler and his mother Klara
20 April 1889
Birth place of Adolf Hitler, located Salzburger Vorstadt 15, Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria
First photograph of Adolf Hitler as a baby in his birth town Braunau am Inn
Adolf Hitler at the age of 6 (4th from the left on the top row) with his classmates in Fischlham, Austria-Hungary
August 1897
Class photo in Lambach, Hitler is in the top row, second from right
September 1899
Adolf Hitler at the age of 10 (middle of the top row) with his classmates in Leonding
4 September 1900
Adolf Hitler at the age of 13 (top right) as a student of the Realschule of Linz, in the middle is his schoolmaster Prof. Oskar Lauger
3 January 1903
On 3 January 1903, Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Hitler, dies of lung hemorrhage in Gasthaus Stiefler's inn in Leonding, Austria
21 June 1905
Adolf Hitler's mother Klara sells the family house in Leonding and moves in a flat at 31 Humboldtstraße in Linz
1 May 1906
Adolf Hitler visits Vienna for the first time and spends a few days there, visiting the city, some museums and going to 2 Wagner operas, Tristan und Isolde and Der Fliegende Holländer
9 September 1907
Adolf Hitler moves to Vienna in an apartment located on the second floor of Stumpergasse 31
1 October 1907
Adolf Hitler undertakes the entrance examination of the Academy Of Fine Arts in Vienna. Hitler is among the 33 of 112 students who passed the first round
2 October 1907
Adolf Hitler fails the 2nd round of the entrance examination of the Academy Of Fine Arts in Vienna. He is told that his drawings lack figures, and that he should become an architect as he has talent for buildings (drawing of Vienna's opera house by Hitler)
21 December 1907
On 21 December 1907, Adolf Hitler's mother, Klara Hitler, dies of breast cancer in Linz, Austria
22 August 1909
Adolf Hitler's registration form from August 21, 1909, this time as a “writer”, at Sechshauserstrasse 56, 2nd floor, room 21, with Ms. Antonie Oberlechner, in the XIV district
2 August 1914
At the outbreak of WW1, Hitler participates in a rally at Munich's Odeonsplatz. Heinrich Hoffmann covered the event and discovered several years later that Hitler was on the photo (although there are doubts that it may have been edited for propaganda)
5 August 1914
Adolf Hitler enlists as a volunteer with the 6th reserve battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16 List
8 October 1914
At the end of his basic military training, Adolf Hitler swears allegeance before Bavarian king Ludwig III. Pictured is the List regiment parading in front of the king in Munich's Türkenkaserne
1 November 1914
349 soldiers of the List Regiment died in their first battle near Ypres on the Flanders front. Following the battle, Adolf Hitler is promoted to the rank of Gefreiter (corporal)
2 December 1914
Adolf Hitler is awarded the Iron Cross second class for having saved, with his comrade Anton Bachmann, the commandant of the regiment Lieutenant Colonel Philipp Engelhardt
May 1915
Adolf Hitler (in Drillich, second from right) as a corporal during the First World War pose with his comrades in Fromelles, France
Adolf Hitler (4th from right) and his comrades in the fields near Fromelles, France
April 1916
Adolf Hitler in Fournes-en-Weppes, France, during WWI
July 1916
Adolf Hitler (bottom left) with his WWI comrades in Fournes-en-Weppes, France
August 1916
Adolf Hitler with his WWI comrades in Fournes-en-Weppes, France
September 1916
Adolf Hitler (bottom left) with his WWI comrades in Fournes-en-Weppes, France
26 October 1916
Adolf Hitler (second from right, top row) and his wounded comrades in Beelitz lazareth near Berlin
19 December 1916
Adolf Hitler recovers from a war wound in Munich, he sends a postcard to Karl Lanzhammer, a fellow despatch runner from his regiment, telling him he will report voluntarily to the field immediately
April 1917
Adolf Hitler (far left) and his comrades in Hantay, France
4 August 1918
Adolf Hitler is awarded the Iron Cross first class
14 October 1918
During the night, the British troops launched a gaz attack on a small hill near the town of Wervicq, near Lille. Adolf Hitler is blinded by the mustard gaz and transfered to the Pasewalk hospital, where he stayed until the end of the war.
January 1919
Adolf Hitler in Traunstein just after the end of WW1
January 1919
Adolf Hitler in Traunstein just after the end of WW1
February 1919
Adolf Hitler in uniform just after the end of WW1
12 September 1919
Adolf Hitler is ordered to report the actions of a small political group, the German worker party. At a meeting in Munich's Sterneckerbräu, he got noticed by Anton Drexler, marking his entry into the Party and the beginning of his political career
16 October 1919
Adolf Hitler makes his first speech to the DAP (German Workers Party) in front of 111 participants in Munich's Hofbräukeller (artist view by Hermann Otto Hoyer entitled In the Beginning Was the Word, ca. 1937)
20 February 1920
The DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) is officially renamed NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) - Example of an early member card
20 February 1920
The DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) is officially renamed NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) - Example of a NSDAP member badge
24 February 1920
Adolf Hitler presents the 25 points program of the NSDAP (Das 25-Punkte-Programm der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei) at the first public meeting of the party in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
11 May 1920
Adolf Hitler gives a speech to 2,000 party members in Munich's Hofbräuhaus
7 August 1920
Adolf Hitler at the first meeting of the Austrian Nationalist Party in Salzburg, where he showed for the first time the swastika flag that he designed
13 August 1920
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Munich's Hofbrauhaüs on the theme 'Why are we anti-Semitic?'
6 May 1921
Poster annoucing a speech to the young and workers n Munich's Hofbrauhaus
11 July 1921
Adolf Hitler announces his resignation from the party after an alliance was formed to counter his leadership, and gives an ultimatum that he would only return if given dictatorial powers
29 July 1921
Adolf Hitler is elected as the new Chairman of the NSDAP by a 533 to 1 vote of the delegates, replacing party founder Anton Drexler
29 January 1922
The first Parteitag of the NSDAP was held on 29-30 January 1922 in Munich. Adolf Hitler made a speech each day in the Hofbräuhaus. The NSDAP counted 6000 members
22 June 1922
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in Munich's Zirkus Krone
16 August 1922
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at a mass demonstration of the United Fatherland Leagues on Munich's Königsplatz to protest against the Law for the Protection of the Weimar Republic
14 October 1922
Adolf Hitler leads 800 SA men for a major rally of the nationalist Bavarian associations in Coburg, the first success of the NSDAP party: after violent clashes with counter-demonstrators, the Nazis marched triumphally in the streets of Coburg
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