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Wilhelm Keitel
1 August 1936
Adolf Hitler leading officials of the International Olympic Committee into the Berlin Olympic Stadium
1 August 1936
Adolf Hitler leading officials of the International Olympic Committee into the Berlin Olympic Stadium
19 September 1937
Adolf Hitler with Werner von Blomberg and Wilhelm Keitel at the autumn manoeuvres of the Wehrmacht in Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg
12 March 1938
Adolf Hitler and Wilhelm Keitel arrive in an open car at Munich's airport before their flight to Austria
15 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Arthur Seyß-Inquart in Vienna
15 March 1938
Adolf Hitler in front of the Hofburg's palace in Vienna
15 March 1938
Parade of German and Austrian troops on Vienna's Ringstrasse
18 March 1938
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the Reichstag
18 March 1938
Hitler receives an ovation from the Reichstag after the Anschluss with Austria
18 March 1938
Reichstag session in Berlin
22 August 1938
Adolf Hitler inspects the Gneisenau battleship
22 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain meet at the Hotel Rheinhotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg
29 September 1938
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich for the Munich Conference
3 October 1938
Adolf Hitler crosses the Wildenau border from Germany into Sudetenland with his troops
3 October 1938
Adolf Hitler with his troops in Franzensbad Sudetenland
7 October 1938
Adolf Hitler inspecting Czech fortifications near the village of Neu-Erbersdorf in Sudetenland
14 March 1939
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Emil Hácha in Berlin
15 March 1939
Adolf Hitler reviews the honor guard in Prague castle
23 March 1939
Adolf Hitler on the Deutschland battleship between Swinmünde and Memel
23 March 1939
Adolf Hitler on the battleship Deutschland between Swinmünde and Memel
23 March 1939
Adolf Hitler enters the Klaipeda town in the Memel region
23 March 1939
Adolf Hitlers reviews troops in Klaipeda's disctrict in Memel
1 April 1939
Adolf Hitler in Wilhelmshaven for the Tirpitz launch
20 April 1939
Adolf Hitler inspects a model of the Siegfried Line (Westwall)
28 April 1939
Reichstag session
16 May 1939
Adolf Hitler inspects the Westwall
4 June 1939
Reichs Veterans Day in Kassel
6 June 1939
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Görinf salute the flag after the return of Legion Condor in Berlin
6 June 1939
Adolf Hitler after his speech to the Legion Condor in Berlin
6 June 1939
Adolf Hitler salutes Field Marshal Wolfram von Richthofen during the parade of honor after the return of Legion Condor from Spain
15 September 1939
Adolf Hitler salutes his troops near Ubieszyn as they are crossing the Vistule river
21 September 1939
Adolf Hitler and his staff inspecting the Canet Battery wz.1891 used for defense of the Gdynia harbour and Oksywie outside of Gotenhafen
22 September 1939
Adolf Hitler heads for a closer look at the second artillery carriage of the destroyed Polish armoured train No 13 General Sosnkowski
22 September 1939
Adolf Hitler and Wilhelm Keitel examine the Polish armoured train No 13 General Sosnkowski, destroyed by the German Stukas on 10 September
22 September 1939
Adolf Hitler on a balcony crowded with military officers where several pairs of Scherenfernrohr are set up to view the siege of Warsaw
5 October 1939
Adolf Hitler salutes the Wehrmacht parade in Warsaw following the defeat of Poland
10 March 1940
Adolf Hitler inspects the honor battalion of the Wehrmacht in front of the memorial Unter den Linden
10 March 1940
Hitler, accompanied by Grand Admiral Raeder, Generals Keitel and Milch, Reichsführer-SS Himmler, Lieutenant General Hase, General Reinhardt, and the Reichskriegsopferfuhrer Oberlindober, marches in front of the Ehrenbataillon.
10 March 1940
Adolf Hitler lays a wreath in Berlin's memorial for the 1940 Heldengedenktag
2 June 1940
Adolf Hitler visiting the national necropolis of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette in France
2 June 1940
Hitler visits the First World War memorial to the Canadian soldiers killed at Vimy Ridge, France
3 June 1940
Hitler and his staff at Felsennest, from Eva Braun's albums
18 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini greet the crowd in Munich's station
21 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and his staff in front of the armistice wagon in Compiegne. Hitler had ordered that the same railway coach from the 1918 armistice would be used for the 1940 armisitce with France
23 June 1940
Adolf Hitler and his staff on the Trocadero, during his only visit to Paris, in occupied France
28 June 1940
Adolf Hitler visits the Strasbourg cathedral in France, from Eva Braun's albums
28 June 1940
Adolf Hitler visits the Strasbourg cathedral in France, from Eva Braun's albums
28 June 1940
Adolf Hitler inspecting the Rhine bridge near Strasbourg, from Eva Braun's albums
28 June 1940
Adolf Hitler visits French bunkers in the Vogesen
6 July 1940
Return to Berlin after the ceasefire and armistice with France, Adolf Hitler at the balcony of the chancellery
6 July 1940
Return after the ceasefire with France, Hitler at the balcony of the Neue Reichskanzlei
19 July 1940
Adolf Hitler posing with the newly appointed field marshalls
29 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof
29 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof
29 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
31 July 1940
Planning conference at the Berghof with the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command
15 October 1940
Adolf Hitler arrives at the state funeral for Admiral Von Trotha in Unter den Linden, Berlin
28 October 1940
Hitler and Mussolini in Florence during the negotiation at Sala Clemente des Palazzo Vecchio
20 November 1940
Adolf Hitler greets the representatives of the Tripartite Pact in Vienna, Pál Teleki, Döme Sztójay and István Csáky (Hungary), Galeazzo Ciano (Italy), Saburo Kurusu (Japan) et Dome Sztojay
9 March 1941
Adolf Hitler congratulates Wilhelm Keitel for his 40th year jubilee in the army
16 March 1941
Adolf Hitler inspects the honor battalion of the Wehrmacht in front of the memorial Unter den Linden
13 April 1941
Adolf Hitler discusses the Balkan situation with generals Walther von Brauchitsch and Wilhelm Keitel in Hitler's special train parked near Mönichkirchen (Führerhauptquartier Frühlingssturm)
20 April 1941
Hermann Göring makes a speech for Hitler's 52nd birthday in front of his Sonderzug
20 April 1941
Goering, Keitel, and Himmler, gathered near the Sonderzug for Hitler's 52th Birthday
25 April 1941
Adolf Hitler during a situation conference with general Keitel and general von Brauchitsch in Führerhauptquartier Frühlingssturm, Hitler's special train
5 May 1941
Adolf Hitler inspecting the Bismarck's battleship in Danzig
5 May 1941
Adolf Hitler inspecting the Bismarck's battleship in Danzig
12 June 1941
Antonescu and Adolf Hitler at the Führerbau in Munich
21 July 1941
Adolf Hitler receives Croatian marshall Slavko Kvaternik in Wolfsschanze
21 July 1941
In conversation with Keitel, Brauchitsch and Halder in Malnava, Lettland
21 July 1941
In conversation with Keitel, Brauchitsch and Halder in Malnava, Lettland
25 July 1941
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Werner Mölders, Wilhelm Keitel, and Hermann Göring in his Wolfsschanze FHQ
30 July 1941
Adolf Hitler at a situation conference with general Wilhelm Keitel, lieutenant general of the Finnish army Harald Öhquist, Joachim von Ribbentrop and general Gerhard Matzky in FHQ Wolfsschanze
6 August 1941
Adolf Hitler leaving the headquarters of army group south in Ukraine
28 November 1941
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring at the funeral of Werner Mölders in the Reichsluftfahrtministeriums (Reich aviuation ministry)
11 December 1941
Berlin, Kroll-Oper.- Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler während seiner Rede vor dem Reichstag zur Kriegserklärung an die Vereinigten Staaten
28 February 1942
Walter Model at Fuehrers Headquarters during his appointment to Colonel-General
24 March 1942
Bulgarian Monarch Boris III is welcomed by the officials
20 April 1942
General Walter Buhle congratulates Adolf Hitler for his 53th birthday
20 April 1942
A worker congratulates Adolf Hitler on his birthday
18 May 1942
Adolf Hitler in FHQ Wolfsschanze with Field Marshal Keitel, chief of the command staff General Buhle and Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions Albert Speer
22 May 1942
Adolf Hitler at the funeral of Carl Roever
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler at his arrival in Finland in front of his Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler at his arrival in Finland in front of his Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler at his arrival in Finland in front of his Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
4 June 1942
The Finish president Risto Ryti welcomes Adolf Hitler in Finland
4 June 1942
Visit of Adolf Hitler in Finland for the 75th birthday of Mannerheim
4 June 1942
Hitler in conversation with Mannerheim in Finland
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Mannerheim at the Wolfsschanze
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Mannerheim in Finland
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Mannerheim in Finland
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler walks the plank followed by Marshal Keitel to get access to Mannerheim's train in Finland for Mannerheim 75th birthday
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler in Mannerheim's train
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler in Mannerheim's train
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler in conversation with Mannerheim in Finland
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler leaves Mannerheim's train
4 June 1942
Hitler, Keitel and Mannerheim in Finland
4 June 1942
Adolf Hitler with Mannerheim before his departure after his visit in Finland
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler greets Mannerheim at his arrival in Rastenburg
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler greets Mannerheim at his arrival in Rastenburg
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler greets Mannerheim at his arrival in Rastenburg
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler greets Mannerheim at his arrival in Rastenburg
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler greets Mannerheim at his arrival in Rastenburg
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Mannerheim at the Wolfsschanze
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Mannerheim at the Wolfsschanze
27 June 1942
General Jodl presents a situation report of the Eastern front to Hitler and Mannerheim in the Wolfsschanze
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Mannerheim at the Wolfsschanze
27 June 1942
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Mannerheim at the Wolfsschanze after the situation conference
4 January 1943
Adolf Hitler inspects new panzers near his Wolfsschanze headquarters
21 March 1943
Commemoration of the heroes for the 1943 Heldengedenktag
1 April 1943
Adolf Hitler awards general Italo Gariboldi with the Knight's cross of the Iron cross at the Berghof
8 April 1943
Situation conference in Klessheim Castle during a visit from Benito Mussolini
8 April 1943
Situation conference in Klessheim Castle during a visit from Benito Mussolini
6 July 1943
Adolf Hitler receives Turkish officers under the command of Colonel-General Toydemir at the Wolfsschanze
20 April 1944
Adolf Hitler greets Heinrich Himmler on the day on his 55th birthday, near Schloss Klessheim
15 July 1944
Adolf Hitler at the Wolfsschanze a few days before the 20th July bomb attack by Claus von Stauffenberg, who is pictured on the left
20 July 1944
Adolf Hitler with Hermann Göring, Wilhelm Keitel and Martin Bormann at the Wolfsschanze the afternoon after the failed bomb attempt
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