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brown shirt / SA uniform
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade at the Reichparteitag in Nürnberg
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler with Julius Streicher and Rudolf Hess at the 1927 RPT
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler and party members in Nuremberg for the first Reichsparteitag
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
21 August 1927
Adolf Hitler at the Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg
21 August 1927
Group photo of party members in Nuremberg at the 1927 RPT
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
January 1928
Portrait from a series a pictures taken in Heinrich Hoffman's studio in Munich, showing Adolf Hitler in SA uniform (approximate date)
2 August 1929
Adolf Hitler arrives in Nuremberg for the 1929 Parteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in front of the SA in Luitpoldhain for the 1929 Reichsparteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler in Luitpoldhain for the 1929 Reichsparteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler in Luitpoldhain with Franz von Epp and Franz Pfeffer von Salomon for the 1929 Reichsparteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler and Jakob Grimminger hold the Blutfahne at the 1929 RPT flag consecration
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA at the 1929 Reichsparteitag
4 August 1929
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA at the 1929 Reichsparteitag
9 August 1929
Hitler at Erich Jost's funeral in Lorsch
9 August 1929
Hitler at Erich Jost's funeral in Lorsch
2 September 1929
Adolf Hitler at Martin Bormann's wedding
25 October 1929
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Pfeffer von Salomon and Elsa Bruckmann at the Zirkus Krone in Munich during a rally of the Bavarian State Committee for the German referendum
19 October 1930
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in front of Braunschweig's cemetery chapel at the funeral of Karl Dincklage
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
13 January 1931
Adolf Hitler in his office of Munich’s Braunes Haus a few days after the opening of the building (Heinrich Hoffmann photo)
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler reviewing a Party rally in Braunschweig
21 February 1931
Adolf Hitler in front of the statue of Friedrich Wilhelm in the courtyard of Braunschweig's castle during the gautag
2 April 1931
Adolf Hitler crosses Weimar after his speech in the Marktplatz in front of 1000 SA men
12 April 1931
Herman Göring gives a street speech in Weimar
15 June 1931
Adolf Hitler visits an SA Reichsführerschule
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler reviews SA troops in Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler reviews SA troops in Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler in Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler in Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
A little girl is offering Adolf Hitler a small bouquet during Gera's Gauparteitag
6 September 1931
Adolf Hitler in Gera's Gauparteitag
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in Bad Harzburg
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler leaves Hotel Fürstenhof in Bad Harzburg
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in Bad Harzburg
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in his open car in Bad Harzburg
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in his open car in Bad Harzburg
11 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in his open car in Bad Harzburg
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler and Anton Franzen in front of Braunschweiger castle
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in Braunschweig for the Tagung der Nationalsozialisten
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler in Braunschweig for the Tagung der Nationalsozialisten
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm walking through a formation of flags in Braunschweig
18 October 1931
Adolf Hitler consacrating the standards in Braunschweig
17 July 1932
Adolf Hitler in Königsberg next to Joseph Sepp Dietrich and Wilhelm Brückner
2 October 1932
Hitler at the first Reichsjugendtages in Potsdam with Baldur Von Schirach
30 October 1932
Adolf Hitler, Julius Schaub and Ernst Roehm at the 1932 gautag in Essen
22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the grave of Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof
22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the ceremony for Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof with Joseph Goebbels and Prinz Auwi (the Kaiser’s son)
22 January 1933
Adolf Hitler in Berlin at the ceremony for Horst Wessel in the Nikolaifriedhof with Joseph Goebbels and Prinz Auwi (the Kaiser’s son)
5 February 1933
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring in front of the Berliner Dom for the funeral of Hans Maikowski and Josef Zauritz
10 February 1933
Adolf Hitler gives his first public speech as chancelor in Berlin's Sportpalast
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the torchlight procession in Kassel for the inauguration of the Adolf-Hitler-Hauses
11 February 1933
Adolf Hitler at the torchlight procession in Kassel for the inauguration of the Adolf-Hitler-Hauses
2 March 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Berlin's Sportpalast
20 April 1933
A little girl offers a bouquet of flowers to Adolf Hitler on the occasion of Hitler's 44th birthday
20 April 1933
A little girl offers a bouquet of flowers to Adolf Hitler on the occasion of Hitler's 44th birthday
9 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in Dortmund
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler at the Sachsentreffen Gauparteitag Leipzig (regional party congress for Saxony) held in Leipzig
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)
16 July 1933
Adolf Hitler in front of Leipzig's Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations) during the Horst Wessel Lied (anthem of the NSDAP)
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm in Nürnberg
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler with Ernst Röhm at the Reichparteitag
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler consecrating the standards at the 1933 Nuremberg Party Rally with Jakob Grimminger holding the Blood flag behind him
3 September 1933
Adolf Hitler at the 1933 RPT
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler gives a speech at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm at the closing of the festival at the Hall of Liberation in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Röhm und Adolf Hitler vor der Befreiungshalle
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler with Franz von Epp and Heinrich Himmler in Kelheim for the celebration of the Befreiungsfeier
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler in Kelheim
22 October 1933
Adolf Hitler leaves Kelheim's city hall after a speech for the Reichstag election campaign
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Commemorative march for the 10th anniversary of the putsch
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler makes a speech for the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle
9 November 1933
Adolf Hitler and participants of the 1923 putsch in front of Munich's Feldherrnhalle for the 10th anniversary commemoration
19 March 1934
Hitler gives a speech to the old fighters about the National Socialist revolution in Munich's exhibition hall
9 September 1934
Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Reichsparteitag
9 September 1934
Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler at the 1934 flag consecration
9 November 1934
Inclusion of the 18-year-old Hitler Youth in the NSDAP during the eleventh anniversary of Hitler’s putsch in Munich
15 September 1935
Adolf Hitler makes a speech in the new Luitpoldarena in Nuremberg to the call of the SA and SS
15 September 1935
Adolf Hitler awaits the parade of the SA at the 1935 Reichsparteitag
15 September 1935
Adolf Hitler at the Nürnberg parade
9 November 1935
Putsch commemoration march towards the Feldherrenhalle
9 November 1936
Hitler and the old fighters at the reenactment of Munich’s Putsch
12 September 1937
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the Motor-HJ in Nuremberg
8 November 1937
Adolf Hitler during his speech in the Bürgerbräukeller for the commemoration of the putsch
11 September 1938
Reichsparteitag 1938, Adolf Hitler before his speech at the Apell von SA, SS, NSKK und NSFK in Luitpoldhain
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler, Viktor Lutze and Heinrich Himmler on their way to the remembrance ceremony at the Reichsparteitag 1938
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler concecrating the flags at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler consecrating the flags at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA in the streets of Nuremberg on the occasion of the Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the SA in the streets of Nuremberg on the occasion of the Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
11 September 1938
Adolf Hitler salutes the SA parade at the 1938 Reichsparteitag
8 November 1938
Treffen der Alten Kämpfer im Bürgerbräukeller in München
8 November 1938
Gedenken zum 9.November
8 November 1938
Adolf Hitler in Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch seems to be looking at the hole in the ceiling from the shot he made in 1923
8 November 1938
Hitler at Munich’s Burgerbräukeller for the anniversary of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler shakes hands with Heinrich Himmler during the 1938 Putsch commemoration in Munich
9 November 1938
Gedenken zum 9.November
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler and his old comrades march through Munich for the Pustch reenactment
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring in front of the Bürgerbräukeller
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler at the fifteenth reenactment of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Adolf Hitler at the fifteenth commemoration of the Putsch
9 November 1938
Der 9. November in München
9 November 1938
Adolf Hilter lays a wreath in Munich's Ehrentempel during the commemoration of the Beer hall putsch
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